
13 may 2013

Descargas y actualizaciones KAT-TUN 13 de mayo 2013

Agradecimientos creditos y descargas sberry1582

vs arashi preview 2013.05.09
VS Arashi Preview 20130509[11-11-23]
new aoki cm + making 2013.05.09
130509 AOKI CM[(000111)00-30-59]
ichiban song show - johnny's fashion leader 2013.05.08
ichiban song show kame part[11-37-34]
face to face cm
FACE to Face CM[10-35-23]
 going kame part 2013.05.12
[KT-5ing]20130512 Going! K PART[16-04-33]

face to face pv
[PV] Face to Face [(006435)16-46-53]

boys on the run making - ueda part
Boys on the Run Making - Ueda Part[(001183)15-29-08]

shin doumoto kyoudai preview 2013.05.12
Shin Doumoto Kyoudai Preview 2013.05.12[(000626)15-20-51]

shiawase! bonbi girl + - ichiban song show preview 2013.05.12
★130512★【视频】ボンビーガール&一番song show预告_龟梨和也吧_百度贴吧[11-31-22]

potato, duet, wink up 2013.06

chibi ka-n shop

wink up 2010.08

potato 2002.11~12

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