
21 mar 2014

Descargas y actualizaciones HEY SAY JUMP! 21 de marzo 2014

We Love Hey! Say! JUMP

Q1. To be frank, can you keep secrets?

*Note: The percentages are rated by the members themselves.

Inoo Kei: 120%
If I am asked not to tell anyone, I will definitely keep my promise. I have 120% confidence that I will be able to keep the...Ver más

Q2: A member whom you can tell your secrets to?

Nakajima Yuto: None
To begin with I am the type who stores everything up within myself so I somehow feel that I don’t talk to anyone~

Chinen Yuri: Ryosuke...Ver más

Q3. I will tell you a secret about a member

Hikaru: Yuto’s hair roots have turned into a pudding colour (laugh)
It’s so rare for him to have brown hair. Because he is not used to dyeing his hair, I am not sure if he knows how long it wil...Ver más

Q4. A secret about your body which isn’t known to others who see you in a quick glance.

Yuto: Only the left side of my lower body is soft
When I do hip stretches in a cross-legged style, my left knee can reach my bed but I totally cannot...Ver más

Credits:  Shi_L /  CherrycheekedLove

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